AdAgeChina The vast China-experience of its writers and painstaking research adds
up to a very informed view of Chinese culture, media, business and advertising.

Ads of China "This blog is dedicated to posting and demystifying the latest marketing campaigns created in China."

Caijing One of China's top business magazines,
in English.

Campaign China The latest news about advertising, media and brands in China; as well as news about the people
who make the news.

China Buzz "The Economic Observer's editorial staff are always on the look out for interesting, fresh and
high-quality China-related content. Whether it's the latest buzz on Weibo, links to insightful articles or updates on the
latest books and reports"
China Car Times The place to go to find out what's happening in China's fast-moving car market

China Law Blog Thoughtful and thought-provoking site that discusses the "practical aspects of Chinese law and
how it impacts business". What's more it's a great read.

China Media Project HK journalists' view of mainland events, many of which don't seem to get the attention they
deserve on the mainland.

Jing Daily As it says on their can, this site covers
"The business of luxury and culture in China". And does it with style. In case you are wondering, Jing
means energy, essence, excellence and proficiency. High standards that are delivered.

chinaSMACK "A daily-updated collection of news and content from the Chinese-language internet. These latest
stories, pictures, videos, and topics have become very popular, spreading across China’s major BBS forums, social networking
websites, or through email forwards sent between normal Chinese people everyday."

LittleRedBook Their stated goal is "to give visitors a deeper look into China
advertising, marketing, communications and culture".

Shanghaiist "Founded in 2005, Shanghaiist has emerged as one of the most popular English-language websites about China,
covering local news, events, food, and entertainment for a diverse audience of young and affluent urbanites."

Sinosplice John, a fluent Mandarin speaker who has been
in China for 10 years, writes "an apolitical China-centered weblog of observations on life and language".

The Economist - China section The Economist generously allows all visitors to access 5 articles every week for free. China-watchers
will of course use up their allocation within their superb China section.

WARC China-related Formerly known as the World Advertising Research Centre, this independently-owned organisation is
positioned as "The global provider of ideas and evidence for marketing people"

World Bank China The World Bank's involvement in China spans 32 years. This site provides a wealth of China-related
reports, comment, and analysis.
