Siguniang Shan (Four girls'
mountain), Sichuan; May 2007

"Tibetan Village",
route of the Long March, Sichuan; May 2007

"Waving bye bye",
Hongyuan, Sichuan; May 2007

"Playing it cool",
Qinhuangdao, Hebei province; May 2007

"The sign says STOP!",
Changsha, Hunan province; January 2007

"Red flags flying high"; Beijing;
October 2006

"End of the Road",
Yunnan border with Laos; April 2006

"After the storm",
Guangxi, Longzhou; March 2006

"Pedestrian crossing",
Yunnan and Vietnam border; March 2006

"Beast of Burden",
Guangxi Autonomous Region; March 2006

"Homeward bound",
Red River Valley, Yunnan; March 2006

"Scream as if their
survival depends on it"; Beijing; October 2005

"Feel the new beat"; Beijing;
July 2005

"Happy Day"; Beida
University campus, Beijing; June 2005

"City of contrasts"; Qinhuangdao,
Hebei province, January 2005

"Yao Ming's Rockets vs Sacremento
Kings", Beijing, October 2004

"Rolling out the carpet",
Zhengzhou, Henan province; June 2004

"Entering the city",
Qinhuangdao, Hebei province, May 2004

"2-months' old Beijing-born
baby", Beijing, December 2003

"Gold and red", Beidaihe, Hebei
province, January 2003

"Golden Week for brands",
Hohot, Inner Mongolia, October 2002

"Sea of Grass", Caohai,
Guizhou province; January 2002

"Aired on CCTV for years", Poyang
Hu, Jiangxi, December, 2001
